Before submitting any phishing message to us, please check the “Recently Reported Phishes” in the sidebar to see if others have already reported it.
Unfortunately, just hitting the “forward” button in your email to send a phishing message doesn’t provide all of the needed information for shutting down the scammers who sent it. Email messages contain a lot of hidden information, and that information is dropped with a standard “forward” or “reply.”
The best way to get the needed information to people who can do something about it is to forward the original phish as an attachment in a new message addressed to If you are not familiar with how to forward a message as an attachment, we have gathered information on how to do that within common email clients. Please follow the links below to learn how to forward a message as an attachment in your email client of choice.
- Office 365 Outlook Web App
- University Collaboration Suite (UCS) Web Client
- Penn State Webmail
- Mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)
- Outlook (Windows)
- Apple Mail
If you use an email program that is not listed here, and need assistance in forwarding a phishing message as an attachment, please contact us at and let us know what email program you use. We will do everything we can to assist you, and will post any instructions we generate here to help others who may use the same program.